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Infinite Edge

Supporting business transformation through technology

Brand evolution to become the sought-after brand for their innovative and specialist expertise.

Infinite Edge branded social posts

Bridging visions: Infinite Edge's evolution towards industry leadership

Infinite Edge bridges the gap between vision and success by supporting the digital needs of global organisations. A next-gen IT solution provider with over 20 years of experience, they are known for exceptional service and using their forward-thinking and agile business to deliver innovation and impact. Working in committed and close collaboration with those ready to revolutionise and create the future – the doers, the visionaries, the decision-makers – they help drive businesses, non-profits and government entities forward through the application of cutting-edge technology.

Innovative and agile by nature, Infinite Edge knew that it was time for a rebrand, recognising that their brand didn’t go deeper than the logo and lacked cohesion across the company. They knew they needed something that would attract, engage and retain the best talent, but also propel them towards their goals of becoming widely known as the experts in the industry and building a deep level of trust with a larger customer pool.

What we did

Brand strategy

Brand identity 

Brand guidelines

Brand DNA

Brand assets

Social media toolkit


The professional and personalised approach from the team at Threerooms allow Infinite Edge Technologies to translate the purpose and strategy of the business into a modern and agile brand.

Jorge Arguilera

Sales and Solutions Director

Infinite Edge

Illuminating success: Infinite Edge's dynamic brand sets industry standards

A fresh and dynamic brand identity was created and rolled out. It gave meaning internally and externally to the Infinite Edge brand – empowering employees to be proud and excel, while providing a solid stage for Infinite Edge to become the sought-after brand within the industry for their innovative and specialist expertise.

Want a brand with staying power? Let’s talk.

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